IT Logger is a desktop app for managing program issues, and tracking issue resolution progression via a Command Line Interface (CLI).
Summary of Contributions
New Feature
Added the ability to Update defects commands.
What it does: allows the user to update any existing defects at a time. This command will allow user to enter updating mode to update a defect and exit until user use “update e/exit” command
Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because the any part(deadline, owner, severity etc.) of an defect might be changed. The program shall provide a function to allow user update them accordingly.
Highlights: This enhancement doesn’t affects existing command and data structures. It works like a individual function. The implementation achieves decoupling target.
Added the ability to View defects command.
What it does: allows user to view the details of a specific defect in the defect list.
Upgrade the date format, force to be represented in English and make it compliant with different language system(such as Chinese system) (Pull requests #38)
Wrote additional tests for existing features to increase coverage (Pull requests #31)
Added additional parse function to parse commands(Pull requests #38)
User Guide:
Work together with all teammates. And one of us (Jiancheng) is in charge of submission to teams repo.
Developer Guide:
Work together with all teammates. And one of us (Jiancheng) is in charge of submission to teams repo.
### Community:
PRs reviewed: #7, #31, #38, #53, #55
Contributed ideas to discussions during weekly meetings.
Reported bugs and suggestions to others codes.(example: DATE format is not compatible with Chinese environmental system issue )
### Contribution to DG:
Generate Architecture class diagram
Generate IssueList component diagram
In charge of description of IssueList component and Common component